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The Local Moms NetworkGiving Moms the Gift of Time

5 Ways to Center Yourself for the New School Year

Heading into a new school year after a fun summer can be a bummer for kids, and the transition can also put a huge burden on parents. “Moms may struggle with the invisible labor involved in getting everyone settled—things like getting the kids to doctors appointments...

What a Psychotherapist Learned From Parenting a Child with Anxiety

  What Took Me 20 Years to Learn As An Anxiety Therapist This story was contributed by psychotherapist, author and mother Niro Feliciano LCSW.  I thought at 20 years in practice I had seen most of what there was to see when it came to anxiety. For the last two...

How to Send Your Kids To School Confident & Ready for the Day!

  If a simple sentence could change the trajectory of your child’s day, would you share it? This is the power of an affirmation, or sequence of words meant to empower. Mornings can feel frantic, leading us to get impatient, and dropping off our kids with everyone...

Moms are #morethanenough

This story was contributed by psychologist and contributor Reon Baird-Feldman, PhD. #MoreThanEnough is a message of hope campaigned by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) for May’s Mental Health Awareness Month, but we want to make it a mantra for Moms all...

Why “And” Is One of the Most Powerful Words in Motherhood

  The word “and” can be one of the most powerful words in motherhood. Mothers often state how they feel and then attach “but” to downplay those feelings — or worse — reverse course. (Think of all the times you say things like, “I’m feeling overwhelmed, but it’s...