7 Gifts that Say "I Love You" To Your Child - The Local Moms Network | TLMN
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The Local Moms NetworkGiving Moms the Gift of Time

Let’s go beyond the candy and chocolates and make a true connection with our children.

Valentine’s Day gets a lot of criticism for being a commercial holiday-and rightfully so. Yet beyond the chocolates and candy is a genuine opportunity to make a connection with our children. Whether it’s a twinning moment with a daughter who looks up to you or a sentimental gift for a son who needs some reassurance, small gestures can mean a lot.

We searched for seven sweet gifts that will surely leave an impression on your child, each a keepsake that will remind them they are cherished. 

HEATHER GARDNER Mermaid Gemstone Mommy & Me Necklace Set in Turquoise, $120


LETTERFEST Mommy and Me Illustration, $57


AMAZON Son or Daughter Blanket, $27


MONOGRAM MARY Adult & Children’s Quilted Robe, $226 for both


WONDERBLY Ten Reasons I Love You Book, $40


AMAZON Matching Heart Sweatshirts, $50 for both


WILLOW TREE Mother and Son figurine, $45


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