Hugh & Grace: A New Clean Skincare Line You'll Love! - The Local Moms Network | TLMN
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This story was supplied by our new partner, Hugh & Grace.

Is your skincare impacting your hormones?

FACT: Science shows most personal care products—including clean and natural products—contain Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) that are linked to infertility, cancers, obesity, Alzheimer’s and many more diseases.

Sara Jensen first learned about hormone disruption during her 14-year struggle with unexplained infertility. “During one of our many rounds of IVF, my doctor told me to avoid eating sweet potatoes, as they could have estrogenic effects and alter my hormones. At that point, I was getting my hormone levels checked almost daily, and this information caused us to think — if what we were eating could alter our hormones, what else could?”

Sara and her husband, Ben, started doing extensive research and were shocked to learn that Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, also known as EDCs or hormone disruptors, found in most personal care products—including clean and natural products—are linked to infertility. “We spent all we had on fertility treatments and did everything we knew possible trying to conceive: acupuncture, diets, therapy, yoga. We never thought that what we were putting on our skin could make an impact.” Incredibly, two of their family members, Ben’s sister and Sara’s sister, volunteered to be their gestational surrogates and they now have their little miracles: son Hugh, and daughter Grace.

“When we first learned about hormone disruptors we were only associating them with infertility, as that was our primary focus for 14 years.” The couple knew they wanted to shed light on this topic, and initially spent years conceptualizing a fertility wellness plan, but they soon realized this conversation was much bigger than just infertility – hormone disruption impacts almost everyone. “Your hormones regulate almost every function of your body: growth, metabolism, development, and reproduction.” They knew they had to shed light on this conversation, and in a way that would reach far beyond those solely impacted by infertility. They turned their research to skincare as skin is body’s largest organ and the first line of defense to hormone disruption.

“People talk a lot about “clean” products, but you rarely hear about hormone disruption or chemical exposure,” Jensen says. “We are just now on the precipice of these topics becoming more broadly known.” Studies show that hormone disruptors are linked to obesity, cancers, ADHD, loss of IQ points, strokes and many more serious disorders and diseases, and have a staggering estimated financial cost of $350B a year in the US.

Inspired by those who helped them achieve their dreams, the Jensens were determined to create a solution to a topic not being addressed. They assembled a world-renowned medical advisory board and worked with expert natural formulators to develop the first skincare line formulated to help detox, repair, and protect the body from hormone disruptors. “Our goal was to create high-performing, luxurious, plant-based products that help reduce chemical exposure and are safe for the entire family. We’ve been receiving rave product reviews—Rachel Zoe loves our products so much she invested in our company! We’re incredibly passionate about what we created and are really excited for what’s ahead.” They named the business after their children: Hugh & Grace.

“We joke that the names Hugh and Grace sound like a 90-year old couple, but we so strongly believe in what we’re doing, and are so inspired by those who sacrificed to help us have our children, we knew we had to name the company for them. And it’s fitting! The name Hugh means ‘heart, mind and spirit’ and the name Grace means ‘goodness, generosity and love’. Those values are the ethos of our company.”

Hugh & Grace just launched 10/1/20 with an omni-channel platform: combining ecommerce, affiliates, and peer-to-peer sales. “In order to create a solution we knew we needed to create awareness –  products alone can’t solve a problem, we have to provide knowledge as well. Our mission and story are best shared word of mouth, and we developed our business model to welcome and support people who are passionate about our message and love our products. We learned through our infertility journey that there’s strength when people come together to solve problems—that’s when miracles are created. We have large aspirations for what we can accomplish with Hugh & Grace but know we can’t do it alone, which is why our business model is centered around sharing products and knowledge through a strong community.”

To shop Hugh & Grace, or for more information, visit

This story is sponsored by Hugh & Grace.