Meet a Mom: Britt Ryan of Chatham Summit Moms! - The Local Moms Network | TLMN
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The Local Moms NetworkGiving Moms the Gift of Time

This week’s Meet a Mom is one of our own: Britt Ryan, the mom of three behind Chatham Summit Moms. We spoke to her about living in Chatham with her husband and kids Griffin, Callan and Tucker, her favorite part of being on The Local Moms Network team, how she has survived quarantine with little ones and more!

Why did you move to your area?
We chose to move to Chatham for the great schools, proximity to NYC for work, and for how close many family/extended family members live. We have lived here since April 2018.

Great—and why did you join The Local Moms Network?
I joined TLMN in August 2019. For a long time after I moved to my town, I felt like it was difficult to know what was going on locally, where important resources were, who to use for home projects, what preschools were out here, etc. I knew I wanted to create something to fill this void, and then by happenstance I came across TLMN on Instagram and the rest was history!

Awesome! What is your background in, professionally?
My background is in Technology, and I was a Tech Program Manager before leaving my last corporate job. I was very excited to get back into tech by learning how to build a website from scratch. I am used to managing many different projects and timelines, so that part comes very naturally to me.

What is your favorite part of being part of TLMN?
By far, my favorite part of the Chatham Summit Moms is connecting with local moms and featuring them in our Meet a Mom series. Everyone has such a unique story, and I just find it fascinating to get to know them better through our interview.

What is your best “working mom” tip?
I have found that setting small & achievable goals, both weekly and longer term, has helped so much to make progress, build confidence and sets you up to succeed for the long term.

That’s excellent advice. What has been the hardest part of quarantine for you and how have you dealt with it?
I was entering my third trimester with two young toddlers when the quarantine started. Combating fatigue & nausea without any help (we did not even feel comfortable seeing immediate family until June) was very difficult. Luckily, once we started seeing family things became much easier and more manageable. Additionally, I struggle with anxiety, so with everything going on during quarantine & fear of getting the virus, it was often a lot for me to handle. To manage this, I try to focus on the present moment/day rather than getting carried away in the what-ifs (and there are many lol!).

What are you doing for school this year?
Because we have a newborn at home and high risk parents, we decided to join a home school pod for our son Griffin. Our daughter Callan will not be starting school quite yet.

What’s one thing most people don’t realize about your area?
I think people don’t realize how beautiful our area of New Jersey is. We have genuinely spectacular walks & hikes, scenic country roads and open spaces to explore. We make the most of it and are always outside adventuring.

What’s your favorite quarantine activity?
Exploring nature in the parks nearby. My kids love the ‘rock & stick park’, the ‘bridge park’, the ‘lake park’, etc. It’s the perfect ‘social distancing’ activity.

We love supporting local businesses. Can you please share your fave places in your area to:

Go to dinner as a family: Sorriso
Have a date night: Summit House, Fiorinos, and Serenade
Have fun as a family outdoors: Loantaka Park, Bayne Park, and Giralda Nature Preserve
Workout (at least pre-COVID!): Barre & Peloton
Get your hair done: Glaze Salon in Chatham
Get your nails done: Garden Nail Spa in Madison
Go shopping (for kids, yourself and gifts): Ah so hard to choose! Tons of Toys for kids, Alba & Stitch for me, and Pink Pear, Art With Heart Designs & Sugar Rush for gifts