Scott Stapp of Creed and wife Jaclyn on Tough Times, Parenthood, Giving Back and More! - The Local Moms Network | TLMN
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Scott Stapp is well-known as the singer of the Grammy Award-winning rock band Creed. Recently, he shared his battle with bipolar disorder as well as drugs. He and wife Jaclyn, who he credits with helping him find and maintain sobriety, are parents of three kids—Milan (12), Daniel (9) and Anthony. We spoke to Scott, who is touring as a solo artist, and Jaclyn, a blogger for, about parenthood, asking for help, and giving back.

Jaclyn, you’re a mom of three—how was having your second and third different than your first?
First time mommy hood was a happy time but definitely not easy. Caring for someone so fragile, following a diaper and feeding schedule every two hours, and being sleep deprived was really my basic training as a new mom. By the time baby two and three came along, it was smooth sailing, especially with Dad, grandma and aunties around. I must admit I took advantage of all the help and was able to enjoy raising the cherubs. I know as my mom taught me, you can never spend enough time with your children and I really try to make every day count.

Pageants were a big part of your childhood—did your daughter follow in your footsteps?
I was a funny looking kid growing up…skinny, scuffed knees, frizzy hair and I looked like a boy. After seeing girls in a pageant at the mall, I wanted to do the same and my very astonished mom, who was also very supportive, prepared me for a moment that changed my life forever. I dressed up sort of glamorous, walked on a stage, spoke nervously on a microphone and …lost the beauty pageant portion but won the spirit award for all the volunteer work I did in the community! The kids at school began treating me more Kindly and the rest of my pageant career drove me to become Miss NY USA and more. As for my daughter, I exposed her and gave her the opportunity, but it fizzed out as her interest was more into her music, her studies, her sports. 

Philanthropy is such a big part of your lives as a family. Was that something you grew up with, too?
I grew up in a family with five children raised by my widowed mom. We learned very early in life to be thankful for all we did have and to give back to others in need. My mom led by example, volunteering, giving back, and taking us with her to participate and help out. At six years of age I was sharpening pencils for a literacy program in Lake County, and reading to the little patients at the children’s hospital. I am passing down these values to my own children who are very active participants in my own charity called CHARM where we have given out thousands of backpacks and school supplies, to help kids with a great school start.

What’s your basic “mom uniform”?
Day time mom uniform is Target Mom, but I’m Neiman Marcus by night! Like any other mom, I look for sales or good quality. In the day time, running around with kids and doing errands, you will find me in a T shirt , jeans and tennis shoes. 

What is something most people don’t know about your husband?
My husband has such a strong maternal instinct that if he could have breast fed our children he would have!

Scott, what’s your favorite part of being a father?
The conversations, laughter, watching them grow, and learn—the day to day that comes along with each individual relationship with my kids. Most of all I love watching the sports game with my son. As for my only daughter, Milan, she tells me I am the best listener; I love writing songs with her. And I love wrestling with my 2-year-old on the floor.

For our readers who have husbands struggling with issues like you have, what advice would you give?
For anyone undergoing any kind of hardships or challenges in their lives, I would say try to not lose hope and never ever give up. It’s easier said than done, but don’t be afraid to seek professional help. Surround yourself with loved ones who care and support you and your path in life.

You run every day—how important is this time for you?
I have been running for several years now. I absolutely love it. Getting my daily morning run is an important routine for me not only to maintain good health but it affects my mind and body, it makes me feel energized and ready to start the day.

What would you tell yourself 20 years ago if you could go back?
I would talk less, listen more and never take anything for granted.

What is next for you? Can fans plan on any kind of Creed reunion?
Right now I’m focused on my solo career. I’m on a world tour promoting my new album The Space Between The Shadows. There are some great projects ahead…I  never say never about Creed. If anything comes up concerning Creed we will make an announcement.